What is an oblate?
From the earliest days of Benedictine monasticism lay individuals were attracted to Benedictine spirituality and wanted to be close to a monastic community so they, too, might profit spiritually by living according to the spirit of the Rule. One way of doing this was becoming a Benedictine Oblate.
Oblates seek to follow Christ more closely by following closely the wise teaching of St. Benedict in his Rule, as far as it is applicable to their daily lives. This would include prayer, liturgy, and reflecting on the sacred Scriptures.
The Oblates of Monastery of San Juan Diego are an important part of our life and mission. Their prayer and witness helps extend the reach of the Abbey outside of the four walls of the monastery. Through prayer and work they seek to make Christ present in the world, so that, as St. Benedict says, "in all things God may be glorified."
An Oblate is a lay-person, single or married, formally associated with a particular monastery. An Oblate seeks to live a life in harmony with the spirit of Saint Benedict as revealed in the Rule of Saint Benedict and its contemporary expression.
Since Oblates of St. Benedict primarily offer themselves for the service of God and others, they will, therefore, strive for God's honor and glory before all else, keeping in mind the Benedictine motto: "That in all things God may be glorified."
Prayer of Oblates
O loving God, I ask your blessing this day on all the Oblates of Saint Benedict and those with whom we are affiliated. Help us to become people of prayer and peace. Though scattered far and wide, help us to be together in the spirit of your love. Give us hearts wide enough to embrace each other as well as those whose loves we touch. Enable us to listen and to learn from each other |
To learn more about the Oblates of the Monastery of San Juan Diego, please contact the monastery at 575-751-8531.
Suggestions for Reading
The titles listed below describe the life, spirit, worship and work of the Benedictines. They may be ordered online or by phone from Liturgical Press, Saint John's Abbey, Colgerville, Minnesota 56321.
Benedictine's Rule: A Translation and Commentary by Terrence Kardong OSB of Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND (A Liturgical Press book) (1996), $59.95.
The Rules of St. Benedict. Leonard J. Doyle; Rev. David W. Cotter, editor. New Edition, $29.95 hardback; $5.95 paper.
RB 1980; The Rule of St. Benedict (1981) . Editor, Timothy Fry, OSB. Latin and English unabridged edition, $39.95. RB 1980, English text only, paper $2.95.
The Life of St. Benedict by Gregory The Great. Translation and commentary by Terrence G. Kardong OSB. Liturgical Press, March 2009. $16.95.
Life and Miracles of St. Benedict. Pope St. Gregory the Great. 87 pages. $7.95.
Novena to St. Benedict. Arranged for group use, this booklet includes hymns, antiphon, psalm, gospel reading, prayers, and points for reflection. 32 pages. $3.95.
Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary
Maxwell E. Johnson, Editor, with the Monks of Saint John's Abbey. For those who want to grow spiritually, Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office. People who desire to pray with the church can do so by following this Benedictine daily prayer model. $49.95. The Benedictine Handbook. Anthony Marett-Crosby, Editor. The Benedictine Handbook is a lifelong companion for Oblates, associates, and friends of the Benedictine communities. $24.95. A Blessed Life: Benedictine Guidelines for Those Who Long for Good Days. Wil Derkse; Translated by Martin Kessler. Liturgical Press, March 2009. $11.95.
A Life-Giving Way: A Commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict. Esther de Waal. 1995. 200 pages. $19.95.
The Oblate Life: Gervase Holdaway OSB, editor. $29.95.
Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict. Second Edition. By Esther de Waal; Forward by Kathleen Norris. Bestseller. $14.95
St. Benedict for The Laity. Eric Dean. 88 pages. $12.95
Suggestions for Reading
The titles listed below describe the life, spirit, worship and work of the Benedictines. They may be ordered online or by phone from Liturgical Press, Saint John's Abbey, Colgerville, Minnesota 56321.
Benedictine's Rule: A Translation and Commentary by Terrence Kardong OSB of Assumption Abbey, Richardton, ND (A Liturgical Press book) (1996), $59.95.
The Rules of St. Benedict. Leonard J. Doyle; Rev. David W. Cotter, editor. New Edition, $29.95 hardback; $5.95 paper.
RB 1980; The Rule of St. Benedict (1981) . Editor, Timothy Fry, OSB. Latin and English unabridged edition, $39.95. RB 1980, English text only, paper $2.95.
The Life of St. Benedict by Gregory The Great. Translation and commentary by Terrence G. Kardong OSB. Liturgical Press, March 2009. $16.95.
Life and Miracles of St. Benedict. Pope St. Gregory the Great. 87 pages. $7.95.
Novena to St. Benedict. Arranged for group use, this booklet includes hymns, antiphon, psalm, gospel reading, prayers, and points for reflection. 32 pages. $3.95.
Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary
Maxwell E. Johnson, Editor, with the Monks of Saint John's Abbey. For those who want to grow spiritually, Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office. People who desire to pray with the church can do so by following this Benedictine daily prayer model. $49.95. The Benedictine Handbook. Anthony Marett-Crosby, Editor. The Benedictine Handbook is a lifelong companion for Oblates, associates, and friends of the Benedictine communities. $24.95. A Blessed Life: Benedictine Guidelines for Those Who Long for Good Days. Wil Derkse; Translated by Martin Kessler. Liturgical Press, March 2009. $11.95.
A Life-Giving Way: A Commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict. Esther de Waal. 1995. 200 pages. $19.95.
The Oblate Life: Gervase Holdaway OSB, editor. $29.95.
Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict. Second Edition. By Esther de Waal; Forward by Kathleen Norris. Bestseller. $14.95
St. Benedict for The Laity. Eric Dean. 88 pages. $12.95